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Privacy Policy Statement Limited, which trades by means of the web site, values your privacy. It is important to us that we maintain the privacy of our members and we have prepared this statement outlining our practices in relation to the collection and use of information about you which is provided to us by either your visit to our web site or your submission of details to us in response to our various requests.

Data Protection Act 1998

We are conscious of our responsibilities as a data controller under the Data Protection Act 1998. We shall endeavour to process any personal information relating to you from which you may be identified, in accordance with that Act. We shall not process your personal information in any manner incompatible with those purposes or without your consent unless we are required by law to do so. We shall not be requesting or processing any sensitive personal data about you. We shall not retain information relating to you longer than is necessary for the purposes for which it is obtained.

How we obtain information about you

The information we collect is wholly dependant upon you logging in as a member of and which parts of the web site you visit. Information about you may be collected without you being aware of it, for example which pages you visit and when.

Information which you are aware we collect

On many of our pages you can order products, make requests, view information, submit information, and participate in bulletin board type discussions. The types of personal information collected on these pages are name; address; e-mail address; phone number; financial information including details of payment mechanisms; and information on goods and services which are purchased.

As a general rule the information which you supply will be processed purely for the purpose(s) for which it is supplied and collected. However, we may on occasion use your information for the purpose of providing information to you about special offers, services, products and features which exist on, or are being added to, our web site which we consider may be of interest to you and for other related marketing purposes. We may, in addition, provide the information to carefully selected third parties to enable them to offer you goods and services which we think may be of interest to you. In such cases we shall not request your consent since we shall assume from the fact of your entering the information you are consenting to such use. We may transfer your information to third parties outside the European Economic Area. Again, we shall not request you consent since we shall assume from the fact of your entering the information that you are consenting to such use. We will endeavour to comply with the Data Protection Act in respect of such transfers.

Information which you are unaware we collect

We may use "Cookies" for session tracking in order to authenticate the User throughout the session. A Cookie is a message given to a web browser by a web server and which is then stored by the browser in a text file. Each time the browser requests a page from the server this message is sent back which enables the user to be identified. It is assumed by us that by accessing the web site you are consenting to the use of Cookies.

The accuracy of your information

While we endeavour to ensure that the information we hold about you is accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date, we shall assume that in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that the information you provide us with is accurate. If there is any reasonable doubt as to its accuracy we shall contact you to confirm the information. Should there be any inaccuracies in the information of which you inform us, or of which we become aware, it shall be promptly rectified by us. We do not retain any information about you which is out of date or which is no longer required.

How to access your information

Along with all other rights granted to you under the 1998 Act which we shall respect and observe, you may at any time in writing or by e-mail request to be informed of the personal information which we hold about you, either as a whole or limited to certain information of a particular nature. We shall comply with this request but, in the interests of your privacy, only after we are supplied with such information by you as would reasonably be required to satisfy ourselves as to your identity. In the interests of the privacy of others, we would not be able to comply with such a request if it involved disclosing information about another person unless they consented to the disclosure or it was reasonable in all the circumstances to comply with the request without their consent. We may charge a small fee for providing this information but it shall not exceed £10 and the information will be provided no later than 40 days from when we receive your request.

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